What Do You Love About Working In Logistics?
More Answers From Logistic Professionals
Video Transcript
Jacob, Host at Logistics Degree:
Question: What is something you love about working in supply chain management and logistics?
Corben, Supply Chain Manager:
Answer: Yeah, I love that it’s real problems. So every time I get a data set from a client, you know, their pile of messy Spreadsheet Data. It’s a real person that owns that company. It’s a real customer that’s going to receive that product. It’s a real employee that’s having to keep track of it all. And my favorite moment is when the client says ‘Thank you for what you built’, because now I actually get my life back. You know, they were spending 10 hours a week on this. I build them a system and it takes them only an hour now. And that to me is like, OK, this is rewarding, actually. So I love that I’m solving real problems for real people, not just hypothetical that I hope will help, but it’s really, really tangible.
Alexander, Supply Chain and Procurement:
Answer: I would say one of the biggest things I love are the challenges really. Every day you’re kind of walking into your work with a different challenge, or at least a challenge of some sort that you can solve a different way. I think generally that’s my favorite thing, and that’s also a personality trait of mine too. I really take challenges head on because I feel super confident when I’ve accomplished when I finally find the solution to it or accomplish that challenge in general.
Haley, Logistics Project Manager:
Answer: One thing I love is the constant opportunity for growth and for learning, and also at that same time that no day in the job is the same. And I think that goes back to the learning opportunity and to the growth opportunity, especially in a domain where there’s so many intricacies and so many parts of a process. It’s really exciting to be able to deep dive into those and see how you can make one part better. And once that part’s better, you can move on to the next phase and make that part better. So there’s never a lot of repetition and there’s a lot of opportunities to do things new.
Nathan, Logistics Manager:
Answer: I love that there’s this balance between interpersonal relationships, working with suppliers, as well as technical competence. So you can be extremely strategic working to rebalance like an entire group suppliers. You can be negotiating with companies on multimillion dollar deals, and you could also be looking at a tactical drawing or standing on a manufacturing line and finding out ways to optimize what’s happening.
William, Director of Operations Logistics:
Answer: It changes every day. That’s the number one thing that I love. So, I mean, obviously there’s nuance and everything, but every minute, almost every day, it’s completely different. You have problems all over the place and it’s exciting.

William Mannaberg
Director of Operations
20 Years Experience

Haley Dunlop
Logistics Project Manager
3 Years Experience

Corben Tannahill
Supply Chain Management
5 Years Experience

Nathan Cunningham
Logistics Professional
9 Years Experience

Alexander Jassemidis
Supply Chain & Procurement
2 Years Experience
Best Online Logistics Degree Programs
A bachelor’s degree is standard for working in logistics, while a master’s degree may offer advantages, such as a higher salary to more promotion opportunities. Logistics degree programs are also called: supply chain management, operations management, business process, procurement, logistics and project management degree programs.
The following colleges offer accredited logistics degree online programs.