What is an Online Logistics Degree Program Actually Like?
More Answers From Logistic Professionals
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Jacob, Host at Logistics Degree:
Question: Did you take any online classes for either your bachelor’s and master’s degree? And if so, what were the online classes like compared to the in-person classes?
Alexander, Supply Chain & Procurement:
Answer: Yeah so I had the unique opportunity to start college before COVID and be a senior during college. So yeah, so I graduated summer of 2020 for my bachelor’s and then may of 2021 for my master’s. So all of my masters was essentially online, even though it was an in-person master’s. We just weren’t allowed to go on campus at ASU and my senior year was completely online. My first three years were in person. So is definitely that socialization aspect. I mean, the first three years of my bachelors was a lot of group projects and a lot of working together and finding time to be motivated in school, to having to take an hour or two hours out of your day to go meet with your group or to go work on things on campus. I feel like a lot of that chemistry, a lot of that constant use of socialization went away. And for my bachelor’s degree, my senior year, even though we had group projects, it was at that aspect. Whereas a lot of texting is mostly just texting. Hey, can you get this done? Hey, can you get this done? So a lot of working hours. So it wasn’t really finding solutions and thinking of ideas together anymore as more thinking of ideas independently. And just texting it to the group. What do you guys think of this? And that’s that. So when I went into my first big role, full time role, even though I had internships in person, it was a little weird, because there were still all these people that were so used to going in-person every single day, all of a sudden online and wanting to keep that constant socialization and working together. So I was in a mindset of, OK, I can do all of this behind my screen and I could just send you the results. Like I feel like you would be just as efficient versus having to meet three or four times a day just to meet with different people and see what everybody’s updates are on. So it’s a little bit of a different dynamic for me, and I think I also came with that mindset just because solely being remote and seeing all of my peers and colleagues do the same thing to I guess, graduating from at the same time.
Haley, Logistics Project Manager:
Answer: I was kind of forced to because of COVID. So I graduated in 2020, so I was supposed to graduate a man. So March and April, all of my classes were online, so I didn’t choose that, but I did notice a lot of big differences. Some of the classes were a little bit more self-paced when they were online and a little bit more flexible. But I think the big benefit of the in-person classes is you get that FaceTime with your professor, but also other students, especially in those classes that are really big like 400 or 500 people, which isn’t as common in like major focus classes like supply chain. But even then it’s nice to be able to be with your cohort and talk to them and ask questions in life time instead of like sending a chat or like arranging a Zoom meeting or whatever that is. So I would say those are the two biggest things like online typing flexibility, but the in-person being like that engagement and face to face interaction.

William Mannaberg
Director of Operations
20 Years Experience

Haley Dunlop
Logistics Project Manager
3 Years Experience

Corben Tannahill
Supply Chain Management
5 Years Experience

Nathan Cunningham
Logistics Professional
9 Years Experience

Alexander Jassemidis
Supply Chain & Procurement
2 Years Experience
Best Online Logistics Degree Programs
A bachelor’s degree is standard for working in logistics, while a master’s degree may offer advantages, such as a higher salary to more promotion opportunities. Logistics degree programs are also called: supply chain management, operations management, business process, procurement, logistics and project management degree programs.
The following colleges offer accredited logistics degree online programs.